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Stephanie Ackerman

From Documenting Your Faith to The Wellness Revelation - Interview with Stephanie Ackerman

A Session by Stephanie Ackerman

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About this Session

I thought I'd lost the JOY for documenting my faith and illustrating my faith in the 2" margin of my Journaling Bible. I had been doodling, journaling, coloring and documenting for almost 4 straight years and along the way, I got tired of armwrestling with thinking that I had to use all of the the products as part of my Bible Journaling. NOTE: please do not misunderstand me. This has nothing to do with all of the great product out there, just my experience of how hard it was for me to stay aligned with the PURPOSE over the product.
In order for me to be and stay authentic in what I create, I have to be me. Here is the good news and what I have learned: finding JOY has nothing to do with me and everything to do with WHO joy comes from. gulp. I mean, I know that, but I forgot to remember that. dang it. That is why it is so important to write things down.

Thats where the Journaling Bible comes in. I am re-learning about what JOY is, who it is from and how I can document and illustrate it in my Journaling Bible, my Moleskine planner or on a post-it note.
It is not HOW we do it or WITH WHAT we use, but WHY.

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Register for my Instant Access Online Workshop : Bible Journaling & Lettering Inside & Outside The Margins for only $10.00 We are going to dive into the Word. When I say "the word" I mean what is in the Bible. The most important part of this entire workshop is that you are in the Word and that you are learning the truths and promises that are in the Bible. Do you have to create in the margin of a Bible? Nope. The purpose of this is to get deeper into the word so whether you create in a 2" margin of the Bible, in a journal, a planner, on a Project Life card, in your scrapbooking or on a plain ol' piece of paper, the key is that you are learning something or reminding yourself of something you might already know, just forgot to remember. This is a self-paced workshop which means that all of the content is loaded and ready for you to learn at any time, wherever you are for as long as you want. There is a lot of content so I suggest that you look through it all, print out the downloads, set time aside and work on this when you can. There are three purposes to the lettering and doodling part of this workshop: TO TEACH YOU - to be confident in your lettering & doodling so that you can create wherever you want including in the 2" margins of your Journaling Bible, on the blank pages of your Art Journal, in your Moleskine Planner or everyday planner or heck, really wherever you choose. TO REMIND YOU - of many things. To practice, practice, practice and then practice more. To look past the imperfections of your own handwriting. To focus on the WHY & the WHAT you are journaling and doodling ABOUT. TO ENCOURAGE YOU - To stop comparing and learn to create just the way you create and most importantly, to love it.

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About The Speaker

Stephanie Ackerman

Stephanie Ackerman