5 Keys to Unlocking the Creative Light within You
A Session by Amy Benham (Owner, The Quiet Homemaker)
About this Session
Do you want to try Bible Journaling but feel that you just are not creative enough to make all of the beautiful entries that you are seeing in your groups?
In this class, we are going to talk about one of the major things that I have found to be a block for creativity and the 5 keys that I myself walked through to unlock the creative light within my own life.
I know that if you battle with this block this class is going to be just what you need! I have walked the path that I am taking you on and have seen it work miracles in my own life, and can not wait to share the journey with you!
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5 Keys to Fighting Fear and Unlocking the Creative Light within You
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5 Keys to Fighting Fear and Unlocking the Creative Light within You
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